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Nursing home in a sentence

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Sentence count:92+2Posted:2017-04-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: nursingbring home the baconworking hourlodging houseursinenursenurserycome homeMeaning: n. an institution where people are cared for. 
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61 Charlotte will be wished many happy returns by family and other visitors to a nursing home in Redcar, Cleveland.
62 Developed by Colchester-based Haven Healthcare, the 30-bed private nursing home is equipped with all mod-cons, including a nurse call alarm.
63 New entrants to private residential or nursing home care will not be funded via the social security system.
64 The charity's free and confidential advice service on all aspects of residential and nursing home care will continue.
65 I started work early this year in a Nursing Home, and worked some pretty unsocial hours.
66 Many people in nursing home are has been.
67 The children worked in a nursing home yesterday.
68 Transfer of a patient a nursing home markedly affects the nursing costs.
68 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
69 Only the nursing home itself had a right to be heard on the issue of decertification.
70 At the top of the hill was a nursing home.
71 Robert is an English professor and famous poet who succumbs to Alzheimer's, languishing in a nursing home until 2025, when the Singularity seems near and technology is working wonders.
72 Remember when I told you I worked in a nursing home?
73 Grandma thought to be too boring and went to a nursing home.
74 He lives in a nursing home in Providence, Rhode Island.
75 The Dayspring Chorale , a traveling high school singing group, arrived at a nursing home for a Thursday concert .
76 The Doha Round isn't dead yet, but it's being pushed around a nursing home, '' said Doug Goudie, director for international trade at the National Association of Manufacturers in Washington.
77 In nineteen fifty-nine, Hurston suffered a stroke and entered a nursing home in Fort Pierce, Florida. She died there a year later and was buried in an unmarked grave.
78 I'll be the only person in the nursing home flirting.
79 Should we take him to a nursing home or a clinic?
80 A major scandal involving the criminal drugging of nursing home residents will unfold in the western world.
81 I want to stay in the nursing home for a while.
82 I learned this one day at a storytelling activity at my nursing home.
83 A royal dignitary was greeting residents at a nursing home, when he was surprised by the unresponsiveness of one woman who just sat there and stared at him.
84 She has donned a coat stitched out of Kermits, worn dominatrix gear to a nursing home, and walked down the street in little more than her underpants.
85 In Detroit, for example, the EEOC is suing HCR Manor Care, a large nursing home chain, for sacking a nurse who wore a kirpan under her clothing.
86 Virtual nursing home system uses a single access number and access platforms to achieve a unified service scheduling, resources, centralized management.
87 Journalists did not fare much better in public approval. TV reporters (23 percent) and newspaper reporters (21) ranked below auto mechanics (26) and nursing home operators (24) on the list.
88 At what point does it become necessary to place a demented person in a nursing home?
89 TV reporters (23 percent) and newspaper reporters (21) ranked below auto mechanics (26) and nursing home operators (24) on the list.
90 Dean died in a private nursing home near Ashurst in the southern English county of Hampshire, according to the BBC and Britain's domestic Press Association news agency.
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